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ECOWAS Youth & Sports Development Centre (EYSDC)


ECOWAS/YSDC is a specialised agency of the Economic Community of West African States with responsibility for youth and sports in the West-African sub-region. This is a permanent institutional framework within the community through which youth and sporting activities can be developed and promoted in order to ensure youth commitment in the integration process.

The Centre is established to initiate, develop, coordinate, monitor and implement programmes concerning youth and sports development within the Community, programs that are capacity-building in order to fully harness the potentials of Youths in the region. The Decision (A/DEC/13/01/05) to transform the Conference of Ministers of Youth and Sports to the ECOWAS Youth and Sports Development Centre (ECOWAS/YSDC) took place during the Twenty-eighth session of the Authority of Heads of State and Government of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) held in Accra on 19th January 2005.


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